The Newsletter

The Democratic Primary is showcasing the complexities in understanding and talking about how individual identities intersect with privilege, opportunities, status, and power. And how these elements meld into specific policies.

The Queerest Election Ever is a newsletter exploring the politics of identities in the 2020 election season showcasing original reporting, analysis, and interviews with some of today’s most provocative thinkers and activists.

But why is it named queerest election ever?

First, there’s the history markers: the most diverse slate of candidates ever seen running for president are upon us (or have been) including the nation’s first legitimate gay candidate.

Second, queerness refers to sexual orientation. And this newsletter will examine the unprecedented role LGBTQ people are playing in the 2020 elections as voters and candidates. But it will not be limited to just LGBTQ politics.

Third, queerness is about political imaginings beyond what is the here and now. It’s the unusual, that which eschews easy characterization even as it remains distinctive. 2020 is shaping up to be something unlike that which we’ve seen before. Possibilities that once seemed remote, in the positive and negative, are here. That makes this election season the queerest ever.

The Author

Leigh Ann Carey is a politics and culture writer out of North Carolina with bylines at Rolling Stone, Slate, Columbia Journalism Review, Campaigns & Elections Magazine, among others. You can reach her at

Subscribe to Queerest Election Ever

A provocative exploration of identity in the 2020 election.
